الإعجاز الربّاني في خلقه وإعادة بعثه القرآن الكريم آية للنّاس

الجمعة، 5 يونيو 2020

The Allah (divine) miracle in its creation and resurrection The Noble Quran is a verse for people

Allah (God) Almighty The Exalted mentioned the places where human bodies are buried in the life of the world in the name of (graves) .... But when he described how to resurrect and he (Exodus) on the Day of Resurrection he mentioned the places of Exodus in the name of El-Ajtate and he did not say graves as shown in the verses: - 
« Incensed by humiliation reflecting their multiplied wrongs, they will emerge from El-Ajtate (the graves) with downcast eyes in throngs like locusts clustering in myriads (7) » Surat al-Qamar (The Moon) 
« The Day when they shall rush out of their graves as if contesting a race toward a specific goal (43) Drooping their heads in disgrace, gazing in humility and covered with ignominy in requital of their past behaviour and their ignominious role. This is the Day which they have been promised (44) » Surat AL MA'AREJ (Ascent and Rate of Motion) 

« Then the trumpet is sounded and there they egress from the graves and toward Allah, their Creator, they move with impetuousity (51) » Surat Ya Seen  

We clearly notice from the verses that the Exodus on the Day of Resurrection is from El-Ajtate, not from graves
but whyAnd what is the difference?
Allah says: « The Day On changing the earth not this earth and the heavensand They stood out to Allah (God) Almighty one (48) and shall you see the criminals that day bound together in fetters (49) Vested in garments of pitch with their faces shrouded in a veil of flames (50) And in accord with equity and justice shall Allah requite every soul with what is commensurate with its qualities and worldly deeds (51) This is a divinely inspired message sent from Allah to His Messenger to use as a warning to the whole and to spread it in the wide circle of the all, they may hopefully realize that He is One Ilah and the matter be weighed by those who lift to Him their inward sight (52) » Surat Ibrahim

In order to know the difference, let's think a little bit
Where is the grave from which the one who died drowned in a sea or a river and whose body ate fish
Where is the grave from which the one who died in the wilderness and whose bodies were eaten by monsters and birds of the heavens and scattered by the dust of his bones scattered the winds of the desert?
Where is the grave from which the one who died in a society will burn the bodies of his dead and scatter its ashes in the air or in rivers
Through these questions, we discover that El-Ajtate do not mean graves ... 
So what are El-Ajtate In order to know the true meaning of El-Ajtate, let us reflect on the following verses: - 
« And when graves are scattered (4) » Surat Al-Infitar ( The Cleaving of the sky) .
Allah Almighty says in this verse that the graves that we currently see exist will (be scattered) in the sense that they will be destroyed and their places of existence will change due to the movement of the earth's plates, trembling, earthquake and other geographic changes that occur to the earth at the end of each nation’s sake or on the Day of Resurrection
So it is also clear from this verse that the graves of the world will fade and remain El-Ajtate scattered and mixed with the dust of the earth, wherever it is found
Now let us search in the Qur’an how to get out of these El-Ajtate
Allah (God) Almighty says: -
« And We sent down from heaven showers of blessed rain and with its instrumentality did We vegetate orchards and grain to be reaped and gathered in (9) And the tallish -palm- trees with pinnates of fan-shaped leaves and sprouting offshoots of variegated and delicious fruits (10) And how with rain We produce victuals for the people and restore life to a dead land ! and so also shall be Resurrection (11) » Surat Q A F 
 Subhana Allah El-Adeem (Glory be to God the Great)

Notice the phrase (as well as the exit) in this verse: It is 
clear from the verse that the way to get out of El-Ajtate is as the gardens, harvest grains and other plants grow when water descends from the sky ... and 
we know that the earth is filled with very small seeds of seeds from which trees sprout When it rains on it ... 
So El-Ajtate are infinitesimal atoms from the cells of the body from which every person who dies in this world grows and wherever that atom is God grows and the body of the envoy sends from it ... 
Allah Almighty said
« And Allah sprang you up from the earth and from it did He make you vegetate and germinate (17) Then back to it shall He return you at death, and then shall He unearth you and resurrect you at a later date (18)» Surat Nouh  (Noah) 
So make sure, O people, that Allah (God) is your Creator, and the account awaits with the king, the Judge. You are nothing but weak creatures from clay. As for the world of the second responsible Jinn, they are weak creatures from a brilliant flame of fire.

If you complete the reading, comment by mentioning (Dhikr), asking for forgiveness (Istighfar) or praise (Tasbeeh)

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