الإعجاز الربّاني في خلقه وإعادة بعثه القرآن الكريم آية للنّاس

الجمعة، 5 يوليو 2013

كتاب الله النور المبين للبشرية allah noble quran is a light to humanity

اعوذ بالله السميع العليم من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
"لقد جاءكم من الله نور و كتاب مبين "

Praise be to allah ,the lord of the worlds ,who says in his glorious book,(there has come to you from allah a light and a plain book) ,and peace and blessings of allah be upon the noblest of the prophets and messengers,our prophet mohammed who has said (the best of you is he who learns the quran and teaches it).
In arabic 
(خيركم من تعلّم القرآن و علمّه)
a good news and perhaps unbelieveble for lot of persons
( quran can heal all diseases)
that's true it's a cure for believers only
I could not forget some days 7 years befor when my lord heal me and the quran was between my hands
.from chronic diseases as reumathoid ,and immunity disorder and my headaches and brain problems

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